Showing posts with label Worksheets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Worksheets. Show all posts

Monday 31 October 2022

If Clause Worksheet 

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered Combine the following sentences using ‘if’. After practicing If Clause Worksheet, Please do share it with your friends.

Combine the following sentences using ‘if’
Combine the following sentences using ‘if’

Thursday 20 October 2022

Fill in the blanks with suitable verb Forms

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered Fill in the blanks with suitable verb Forms Exercise, After practicing Fill in the blanks with suitable verb forms, Please do share it with your friends.

Fill in the blanks with suitable verb Forms Exercise
Fill in the blanks with suitable verb Forms Exercise

Wednesday 19 October 2022

Though / Although Worksheet 

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered Combine the following sentences using ‘Though’/‘Although’. After practicing Though / Although Worksheet, Please do share it with your friends.
Combine the following sentences using ‘Though’/‘Although’
Combine the following sentences using ‘Though’/‘Although’ 

Friday 6 August 2021

Using idioms in your own words

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered  Creative Expression, After practicing Using idioms in your own words, Please do share it with your friends.
Using idioms in your own words
Using idioms in your own words 

Thursday 29 July 2021

English Vocabulary ‘Say’ and ‘Tell’ Exercise

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered English Vocabulary ‘Say’ and ‘Tell’ Worksheet, After practicing English Vocabulary ‘Say’ and ‘Tell’  Exercise, Please do share it with your friends.
English Vocabulary ‘Say’ and ‘Tell’ Worksheet
English Vocabulary ‘Say’ and ‘Tell’ Worksheet

Sunday 25 July 2021

English Aptitude Test -1

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered English Aptitude Test Questions For All Competitive Exams. After practising English Aptitude Test -1 15 Marks, Please do share it with your friends.
English Aptitude Test Questions
English Aptitude Test Questions For All Competitive Exams

Friday 23 July 2021

Wish  Worksheet

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered English Grammar Wish Exercise For All Competitive Exams. After practicing Wish  Worksheet, Please do share it with your friends.
English Grammar Wish Exercise
English Grammar Wish Exercise

Thursday 22 July 2021

Lest - Should Usage 

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered  English Grammar Lest - Should Worksheet, After practicing  Lest - Should Usage, Please do share it with your friends.
English Grammar Lest - Should Worksheet
English Grammar Lest - Should Worksheet

Tuesday 20 July 2021

Prepositions Worksheet

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions given, After practicing Prepositions Worksheet, Please do share it with your friends.
Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions given 20 Marks
Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions given 20 Marks

Saturday 17 July 2021

Conditional Clauses / If Clauses Worksheet

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered Exercise On Conditional Sentences. After practicing Conditional Clauses / If Clauses Worksheet, please do share it with your friends. You can also Learn English Grammar Step By Step Guides here and Play English Grammar Quizzes here.
Exercise On Conditional Sentences
Exercise On Conditional Sentences

Tuesday 13 July 2021

Hardly --when Worksheet

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered Hardly --when Exercise, After practicing Hardly --when Worksheet, Please do share it with your friends.
Hardly --when Exercise
Hardly --when Exercise

Thursday 8 July 2021

As if / As though Exercise With Answers

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered English Grammar As if / As though  Worksheet, After practicing As if / As though Exercise With Answers, Please do share it with your friends.

English Grammar As if / As though  Worksheet
 English Grammar As if / As though  Worksheet 

Wednesday 7 July 2021

Wrongly Spelt Words Worksheet

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered Wrongly Spelt Words Exercise, After practicing Wrongly Spelt Words Worksheet, Please do share it with your friends.
Wrongly Spelt Words Exercise
Wrongly Spelt Words Exercise

Monday 5 July 2021

Question Tags Worksheet

Hi friends! In this article, I have come with Question Tags Worksheet / Exercise. After doing This Question Tags Worksheet, Please do share it with your friends.
Question Tags Worksheet / Exercise
Question Tags Worksheet / Exercise

Saturday 3 July 2021

Not only But Also worksheet 

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered Not only But Also worksheet / Exercise For Competitive Exams, After practicing Not only But Also Practice Test, Please do share it with your friends.
Not only But Also worksheet
Not only But Also worksheet

Friday 2 July 2021

In spite of / Despite Exercise

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered  In spite of / Despite Worksheet With 'Be' form, After practicing In spite of / Despite Exercise, Please do share it with your friends.
In spite of / Despite Worksheet With 'Be' form
In spite of / Despite Worksheet With 'Be' form

Thursday 1 July 2021

Too -- to, So -- that -- not Exercise 

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered Too -- to, So -- that -- not Present Tense Worksheet, After practicing Too -- to, So -- that -- not Exercise, Please do share it with your friends.
Too -- to, So -- that -- not Present Tense Worksheet
Too -- to, So -- that -- not Present Tense Worksheet 

Wednesday 30 June 2021

Scarcely - When Exercise

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered Scarcely - When Structure + Worksheet With Answers, After practicing Scarcely - When Exercise, Please do share it with your friends.

Tuesday 29 June 2021

Making Suggestion Examples

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered Some Examples On Making suggestion. After practicing Making Suggestions, please do share it with your friends. You can also Learn English Grammar Step By Step Guides here and Play English Grammar Quizzes here.

Some Examples On Making Suggestion
Some Examples On Making Suggestion

Monday 28 June 2021

Relative Pronouns Worksheet

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered Combine the following sentences using ‘who/what/which/that’. 10 Marks, After practicing Relative Pronouns, Please do share it with your friends. You can also Practice Other English Grammar Worksheets.
Combine the following sentences using ‘who/what/which/that’
Combine the following sentences using ‘who/what/which/that’

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