Thursday, 28 September 2017

Shot Notes And Analysis OF On His Blindness By John Milton

The sonnet is written after Milton's grief, when he lost his gaze at his middle age. Milton's eye was weak from his youth. In a pamphlet in prose, he describes: "I never extinguished my lamp before midnight" and indicates his ultimate ceremony to the strain on his eyes. In Wood's verses, who knew Milton very well: "It was unusual for him to sit until midnight on his books, which was the first to put his eyes in the danger of blindness.
Shot Notes OF On His Blindness By John Milton

Milton regrets that he lost sight even before reaching middle age. He is afraid that, because of his blindness, he can not serve God by using his poetic talent, although he is eager to make good use of it. He fears that God will punish him for not serving him by using his gift of poetry written by God. When such fears disturb him, his soul is disturbed for a moment by the question of the righteousness of God. 
But at the same time, the religious consciousness calms its soul. He realizes that God does not occupy himself with the service of man; He does not care if his gifts are used or not. He is the king of kings and has had thousands of angels who serve him day and night on land and sea. Service to God consists not only in active labor but also in patient resignation to his will And to its dispensation.

The Summary OF On His Blindness By John Milton

Lines 1-8:
Milton is rather impatient to think about his blindness. He is blind in the middle age. Blindness prevents him from using his poetic talent by writing something great to glorify God. He wants to serve God using his poetic talent, for he knows that God wants man to use his God-given power or to be punished. In an impatient atmosphere, Milton doubts that God is just demanding the work of a blind man like himself.
Lines 8-14:
The attitude of doubt of Milton passes in a moment. His inner consciousness rises with his faith in the righteousness of God. He realizes that God does not need the work of man to serve him; He does not care that man uses his gifts. He is the king of kings; Its domination goes beyond the universe. He has thousands of angels making his auctions at all times flying on land and sea. He has thousands of others who stand by his throne and sing His praise. These are as good as those who are loved as active angels. So patient submission to His will is the best service for him.

For a moment, and only for a moment, Milton is disturbed by the thought that God can punish him for not using his poetic gift rightly by doing something excellent in his service. He doubts the righteousness and wisdom of God. But the next moment, his inner sense of resignation to the Divine will draw him. He immediately realizes that God does not take care of the active service of man, nor does he retain the gifts granted to man, if man can not use them for adequate reasons. God is neither so thoughtless nor poor. Milton realizes that service to God consists in submitting to his will; Those who, without complaint, take the afflictions of God as his measure to correct and improve them, and thus to resign themselves fully to his all-wise and all-just providence, are his true servants.


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