Saturday, 18 February 2017

 Patol Babu, Film Star By Satyajit Ray Summary CBSC Class 10

Patol Babu lived in Kanchrapara and worked in the railroad production line. Be that as it may, because of the war he lost his nine years of age employment. At that point he attempted numerous employments he began assortment shop however he fizzled then worked in a Bengali film yet confronted some issue with the executive. So he cleared out that film then his cousin offered him to join scrap press business. 

Once when Nishikanto Babu came to Patol Babu, he let him know that his brother by marriage Naresh Dutt who works in film business required a short, uncovered headed man of the age fifty for his film. Furthermore, Nishikanto Babu recommended the name of Patol Babu.
 Summary of Patol Babu, Film Star NCERT Class 10

He acknowledged the offer of Naresh Dutt, as a part of a person on foot. Next morning he came to at the FARADAY HOUSE, his heart was trembling with bliss. In any case, the issue was that he was not in any case given the lines of the exchange. He got some information about his lines of the exchange to the Naresh Dutt. Also.

Naresh Dutt advised Sosanko and Jyoti to give the lines to the Patol Babu. Jyoti removed a page and composed something and offer it to the Patol Babu. "Oh" is composed on that page. Patol Babu turned out to be exceptionally pitiful to see his discourse to simply talk "Goodness" as the line of his exchange.

Summary of Patol Babu, Film Star By Satyajit Ray

At that point a swoon memory was blended up in Patol Babu's psyche. It was Mr. Pakrashi, Patol Babu's guide who said "Recollect that one thing Patol, however little part you are offered never consider it unbecoming to acknowledge it". He made practices on his exchange, and talk "Goodness" in various pitches from high to low. Lastly he performed well.

Patol Babu left the place without taking cash. He would get fifteen to twenty rupees for his little occupation yet he was fulfilled such a great amount with his flawlessness and commitment that he didn't discover any need to get cash. The focal thought of the story is close to home fulfillment is more imperative than money related rewards and finishing errands to flawlessness gives one a feeling of pride and self regard.


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