Thursday, 22 June 2017

Study Material and Summary of The Road Not taken NCERT Class 9th

In "The Road Not Taken", the speaker arrives at a place where his path diverges in a yellow wood. He regrets that he can only choose one. In the end, he chooses the one who has used least, concluding that it made a significant difference in his life.
Summary Of The Road not Taken by Robert Frost
 Summary Of The Road not Taken by Robert Frost 

The first poem in Frost Mountain Interval's book, "The Road Not Taken," has long been a popular favorite. Like many of his poems, it seems simple, but it is not exactly simple, and even insightful readers have greatly discorded on his best interpretation. It resembles a personal poem about a decision of great importance, but there is evidence to the contrary both inside and outside the poem. Frost has created a richly mysterious reading experience from a wonderful economy of ways.

The first significant thing about "The Road Not Taken" is its title, which presumably refers to an unexercised option, something the speaker can only speculate. The traveler arrives at a fork in a road through a "yellow wood" and hopes that he might in some way manage to "travel two" itineraries; He rejects this aspiration impracticable, however, at least for the day to come. The road he chooses is "the least traveled", suggesting the decision of an individualist, someone unwilling to follow the crowd. Almost at once, however, he seems to contradict his own judgment: "In any case, the passage there had really brought them about the same." The poet seems to imply that the decision is based on evidence that is or Approach Being, an illusion.

The Road not Taken by Robert Frost: Summary and Analysis

The contradictions continue. He decides to save the first route (perhaps) more traveled for another day, but confesses that he does not think it is likely that he will return, implying that this seemingly casual and inconsequential choice is really Likely to be crucial - one of the choices of life that involve commitment or lead to the need for other choices that will divert the traveler forever from the original stopping place. In the final stanza, the traveler says he will "say this with a sigh", which may connote regret. His choice, in any case, "made all the difference". The tone of this stanza, coupled with the title, strongly suggests that the traveler, if he does not regret his choice, at least lament the possibilities that the need to make a choice leave unfinished.

Does Frost have a peculiar and irrevocable choice in his mind, and in this case, what sentiment in this poem of mixed feelings should be considered as dominant? There is no way to identify such a specific decision of the proof of the poem itself. Although there is a bias in favor of identifying the "I" of the poem with the author in the absence of evidence to the contrary, the speaker may not be Frost at all. On several occasions the poet claimed that this poem was about his friend Edward Thomas, a man prone to indecision because of a strong habit and, as Frost felt, amusing to stop at the irrevocability of decisions . If this is the case, the reference in the final stanza of the poem to "recount" the experience "with a sigh / Sometimes ages and ages" could be read not only as the boast of Robert Frost, who "says it" as long as People read The poem, but also as a perpetual revelation of Thomas, also a beautiful poet.

What is clear is that the speaker is, at least, a person like Thomas in some respects (although there may also be Frost in it). The criticisms of this poem are undoubtedly still to be discussed if it is an affirmation of the crucial nature of the choices that people must make on the road to life or a gentle satire on the kind of temperament that always insists on the fight against Such choices. The extent of the poet's sympathy with the traveler is also an open question.
Frost composed this poem in four five-line stanzas with only two end rhymes in each stanza (abaab). The iâmbic flexible meter has four strong beats at the line. Among the technical achievements of "The Road Not Takeen", one in particular shows Frost's ability to impose meaning on form. The poem ends:

Study Material and Summary of The Road Not taken NCERT Class 9th

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the less traveled, And that made all the difference.

The speaker's indecision - his divided state of mind - is accentuated by the repetition of the "I" divided by line division and emphasized by rhyme and pause. This is a possible effect only in a rhymed and metrical poem - and thus a good argument for the continued viability of traditional forms.


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