Monday, 28 June 2021

Relative Pronouns Worksheet

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered Combine the following sentences using ‘who/what/which/that’. 10 Marks, After practicing Relative Pronouns, Please do share it with your friends. You can also Practice Other English Grammar Worksheets.
Combine the following sentences using ‘who/what/which/that’
Combine the following sentences using ‘who/what/which/that’

Relative Pronouns Exercise

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered Combine the following sentences using ‘who/what/which/that’. 10 Marks, After practicing Prepositions Worksheet, Please do share it with your friends.
I have covered Combine the following sentences using ‘who/what/which/that’. 10 Marks
Combine the following sentences using ‘who/what/which/that’. 10 Marks

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Wrongly Spelt Words Exercise 

1. We lived in our ancestral house. It was built in the eighteenth century.(Use ‘which’)

2. It was a fairly large pucca house. It was made of limestone and brick. (Use ‘which’)

3. My father was austere. He avoided all comforts and luxuries. (use ‘who’)

4. Our area is isolated. It was completely unaffected by the war. (use ‘which’)

5. Samsuddin is my cousin. He distributed newspapers in Rameswaram. (use ‘who’)

6. Children were born with some inherited characteristics. They are trained in certain ways. (use ‘who’)

7. I had three close friends. They were from orthodox Hindu Brahmin families. (use ‘who’)

8. I was wearing a cap. It marked my religion. (use ‘that’)

9. He was the son of Lakshmana sastry. He was the head priest. (use ‘who’)

10. He wore a sacred thread. He always sat in the front row. (use ‘who’)

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