Saturday, 19 June 2021

Too -- to, So -- that -- not Exercise 

Hi friends and my dear students! In this post, I have covered Too -- to, So -- that -- not Past Tense Worksheet, After practicing Too -- to, So -- that -- not Exercise, Please do share it with your friends.
Too -- to, So -- that -- not Past Tense Worksheet
Too -- to, So -- that -- not Past Tense Worksheet

Too -- to, So -- that -- not Past Tense Worksheet 

1) The box was too heavy for her to lift it.  

2) He was too weak to walk. 

3) The box was too heavy for you to lift it. 

4) The box was too heavy for him to lift it.  

5) The box was too heavy to lift it.  

6) The book was too difficult to understand. 

7) The wall was too high to climb. 

8) The village was too far for the child to walk.  

9) He was too fat to run.  

10) The lad was too young to fight.  

11) The question paper was too though for us to answer. 

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Too -- So -- That Worksheet Past tense Answers

1.The box was so heavy that she could not lift it.

2.He was so weak that he could not walk.

3.The box was so heavy that you could not lift it. 

4.The box was so heavy that he could not lift it.

5.The box was so heavy that it could not be lifted.

6.The book was so difficult that I could not be understood. 

7.The wall was so high that it could not be climbed. 

8.The village was so far that the child could not walk.

9.He was so fat that he could not run.

10.The lad was so young that he could not fight.

11.The question paper was so tough that we could not answer. 

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